two twin puppets with the same turd for a nose
in tandem they talk
one tells you it ain’t the right time
the other one worse: that it would be even laughable
to fight for liberty.
if edgewise you are allowed to come up with a word
and then are able to be heard above the meaningless din
and it’s your turn, stubbornly repeating:
but we’ll fight
we’ll fight
we’ll keep on fighting
for liberty
and then they are listening
and you add, a trifle craftily
you say: were you a Catalonian, then you’d understand
or you say: if you’d be a Catalonian, what else
would you do…?
they jump at it, they answer, in tandem, a double-edged
shrillness: I am more of a Catalonian
than you, surely!
and, of course, here is where you burst out laughing.
you a Catalonian?
where? when? how?
don’t make me laugh!
is your pot that cracked?
are you hallucinating?
you a Catalonian!
that takes the cake!
‘tis totally unbelievable!
won’t fall for this one!
a silly prank
no way, José
get thee to a fucking sty for crazies, you creep…
ha… ha… ha…
and there you leave them
dangling furiously
irrelevant, paltry scum
simmering also in their own shit.